Fun, Friends, and Rainbow Families
by Tim Davis
Bright and early on a Saturday morning in April, we all gathered at a school in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The day for the Rainbow Families conference had finally arrived! We met to discuss what makes each person unique. In just under an hour we drew pictures, played games like “Animal Identity,” read stories, and talked about what it is like to be a kid with lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender parents.
To play “Animal Identity,” we asked ourselves: What makes a bat different than a mouse? If I were a gorilla, where would I live and what would my family look like? We wore pictures of animals to show how different each animal can be, just like our families. None of them are better than the other, but each identity is unique.
Then it was our turn to express ourselves. We drew pictures and “Identity Maps” to show the pieces of ourselves that make each of us amazing. Can you draw your family? Where do you live and what is your favorite thing to do at home? No two kids had the same picture and each of us showed just how special all of our identities make us.
We also had time in the resource fair. At the Rainbow Rumpus table, we could spin a large wheel and win prizes like tattoos and activity packets. It was great to see so many people just like us, walking around with their families and friends, and enjoying the company of people who cared about them.
Can you draw a picture that shows how your identities make you wonderful too? Send it in to and it might get featured on our website!