March Activity: Using the Alphabet to Tell a Story
by Cari Tan
How well do you know your alphabet? Are you a good storyteller? This game will test your ability with alphabets, storytelling, and listening. This is a good game to play in the car, but you can play it in other places, too.
One person starts the story with a sentence that begins with the letter A. The next person adds to the story with a sentence that begins with the letter B. Keep continuing this with everyone adding another sentence starting with the next letter of the alphabet until everyone has contributed. Then go back to the first person and go around and around again until you reach Z. Try to make a story that flows together. Sometimes it gets a little tricky. Help each other out if you are having trouble. Also, remember to have fun.
Here is an example of how it might begin to help you get started:
Apples are delicious.
Bears like them because they are sweet.
Crunchy apples are my favorite.
Dark red, bright green, and sunny yellow are some colors they come in.
Every fall we go to pick them.
Fall is my favorite time of year.