The Magazine for Youth with LGBT Parents


Dear Santa: Chapter 2

by Lucía Moreno Velo

Chapter 2: Mr. Right’s Robot Portrait

That night Pedro stayed awake a long time, thinking.

This is not working, he thought. Dad doesn’t like the guys I pick and I don’t like the guys Dad picks. We’re just too different. But there’s got to be a guy we can agree on! A guy that’ll be just perfect for me and perfect for Dad, too.

I know! I’ll make a robot portrait, just like the police do.

He took a piece of paper that happened to be on his nightstand and wrote:


Dad likes guys who:

  - are tall
  - are fat
  - have a beard
  - like to laugh and have a good time

 I like guys who:

  - like kids
  - are reliable
  - are generous and kind

Where was Pedro going to find a guy like this? Did such a man even exist?

Pedro sighed and put the piece of paper back on the nightstand. His eyes fell on the back of his list. He had written his robot-portrait on the back of his letter to Santa! Oh, no! Now he’d have to go back to the department store to get a new form and write the letter all over again …

Wait a minute, thought Pedro, as his eyes opened wide. He had it! Right under his eyes, there he was, Mr. Right! A big, fat guy with a beard who liked children, gave gifts, and knew how to laugh! Mr. Right was Santa Claus!

“Great!” said Pedro out loud with a big smile on his face. “I found him! Now I just need to get him to date Dad!”

Pedro lay back on his pillow and turned off the light. He was happier than he had been in weeks. Getting Santa to date Dad was going to be a piece of cake. Pedro had a plan.


Chapter 1 XXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chapter 3


Lucía Moreno Velo likes to read stories that make her heart race. And this is exactly the kind of stories she wants to write. She hopes Rebecca’s story made your heart beat faster. Lucia moved a lot as a kid. She went to three different elementary schools and four different high schools!