The Magazine for Youth with LGBT Parents


Publisher's Letter: New Faces at Rainbow Rumpus

by Al Onkka

Every month we see new faces in the kids and teens who are profiled on our website. In the September issue our readers met Rita, 10, from Madrid, Spain, and learned about her passion for a sport called floorball.

In July, we greeted many new supporters at our annual Summer Celebration in Minnesota Thanks to all the Minnesota people who came out, ate, donated, and supported Rainbow Rumpus during our party. We had a great time at Fulton Brewery and raised money to continue publishing our stories.

I'm excited to introduce you to three new directors at Rainbow Rumpus. Greg Vierling, James Christopherson, and Marian Cieslak have all recently joined the board. They bring a passion for our work and expertise in communications, technology, and finance.

Cindy Janovitz has been a leader on the board for the past two years, most recently serving as vice-chair. Cindy took over the board chair position from me last month. I will continue to serve Rainbow Rumpus as the past board chair. Amelia Hansa, previously our secretary, has taken over as vice-chair. I am thrilled to have these two individuals leading the board as we embark on a round of strategic planning. You will be hearing more from them in the future.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Rainbow Rumpus. Your donations keep us doing what we do best!



Al Onkka is an evaluator and researcher at the Science Museum of Minnesota. He volunteered at Rainbow Rumpus for three years as an editor before joining the board. He has also served as the chair. Al also runs an online business called Onkka Bags.