Previous Parent Features: | Behind the Scenes with Leanne Franson | Uncle Shelby Rocks | Learning the Lessons of "Tween" | The Aftermath of Proposition 8
| Pride around the World
| Through Children's Eyes: The limeliters Remember Their Classic 1962 LP
| Book Review: In Our Mothers' House
| Our Blind Sides
| The Greatest Gift in Salt Lake City
| Book Review: Mom and Mum Are Getting Married
| Shake Your Rump: Rani Arbo and Daisy Mayhem
| Ending Health Care Injustices against LGBT People
| Renting Rights
| Houston, We Have a Mayor
| Would You Be Mine: The Legacy of Mister Rogers
| Book Review: Asha's Mums
| LGBT Family-Friendly Summer Camps: Part 2
| Prince Paul is for the Children!
| LGBT Family-Friendly Summer Camps
| Choosing a Camp that's Right for Your Kids
| Best of Rainbow Rumpus Book Reviews
| Focus on Fiction
| Money Savvy Parents' Corner: The Financial Crisis at Home
| Folk and Rap, Spooning: Cathy & Marcy with Christylez Bacon
| A Pioneering Path to the Mayor's Office
| Book Review: The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan
| Making Mistakes
| Focusing on Friendships
| An Unlikely Partnership
| Printable Picture Book Launch
| Book Review:10,000 Dresses by Marcus Ewert
| Dan Zanes and Friends: He's Got the Whole World in His Band
| Money Savvy Parents' Corner: Renewed Resolutions
| Family and Kids Together
| Looking Back at 2009
| Money Savvy Parents' Corner: Happy Holidays or Not So Much?
| Fun for Everyone: A Tasty Treat to Bake with Your Kids
| Rainbow Rumpus Leaps onto the Page with Printable Picture Books
| Money-Savvy Parents' Corner: Back to School
| Music Review: Gimme Gimme Gimme Jimmies
| Shelly and Belinda
| Playing While Black
| Keep Rainbow Rumpus Rolling!
| Time to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
| Money Savvy Parents' Corner: The Money Mission Statement
| Artist Interview: Peter Alsop
| Your Summer Memories | Money Savvy: Parent's Corner on Allowances | They Might Be Giants: The Beatles of Kids Music? | Coming Out with Children: Thoughts for Parents, Teachers, and Friends | Bunny Clogs Gives Kids More, More, More! | Money Savvy | Building Cultural Capital | New Staff Member: Cari Olsen | New Staff Member: Aja McCullough | A Study on LGBT Poverty | Interview with Ralph Covert | What is Success? | In Sickness and in Health | Voting | Being Gay Ain't So Different |Finishing 2008 with a Rumpus | LGBT Parenting: The Bisexual Experience | Kraig Kidd and the Montessori School | A View from Canada | Keith Ellison - August 2008 | Lesbian Parenting | PL: Family Values | Label Libel | LGBT Pride in 3 Countries | Pride in the USA | Happy 2nd Birthday, Rainbow Rumpus | Featured Artist Heather Bishop | Literary Celebrations | Ellison - The Iraq Recession | The Kiwi Perspective | Rainbow Rumpus at Because | May Publisher's Letter | Artist of the Month: Catie Curtis | Summer Camps 2008 | April Publisher's Letter | Featured Artist: Ellis Paul | March Publisher's Letter | Family Diversity Projects | Featured Artist: Justin Roberts | Good Search | The Families All Matter Book Project | January Letter from the Publisher | Fathers and Filmakers | December Letter from the Publisher | MyLight Project Transracially Adopted Youth | November Publisher Letter | "Happy Pride" from Keith Ellison | Introducing the Smooch Project | Rainbow Rumpus in the News | Interview with Lisa C. Moore of RedBone Press | Greetings from Keith Ellison | A Letter from Tammy Baldwin | Transforming Attitudes Toward LGBT Families | Rainbow Rumpus Receives Dot.Org Award from MCN | Real Life, Real Impact: Dr. Abbie E. Goldberg | Traveling with Children | August Publisher Letter | |